The Synergy Team

We are here to help you as you accomplish the transformation you are looking for in life.

Fundamental Regimens


I primarily use hypnotherapy to reinforce positive behavioral and thought patterns. Hypnotherapy is a process that initiates the natural state of hypnosis, or theta brain waves, to connect with the subconscious mind to create lasting desired change. In a consultation, I will educate you about the importance of the first Fundamental Regimen – food and water quality. I also share how Breathwork, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, Self-Hypnosis, Sound Therapy and Tuning Fork Therapy may support the client’s presenting issue.

Sessions with me consist of approximately 15 minutes discussion, 10 minutes education, and 30 minutes of hypnotherapy. I collaborate with clients to personalize a regimen for them to gather the bravery, confidence knowledge and motivation to alleviate pain, decipher dreams, establish healthy boundaries, gain & maintain weight, improve relationships, overcome fears & phobias, release & maintain weight, and deepen understanding and appreciation for themselves.

In an average of 6 sessions, individuals are empowered to allow their dream, goal or vision come to fruition. My devotion to knowledge and peace is reflected in all aspects of my life. 

BOTI Studios

Lucinda Collis

Lucinda provides private sessions such as mind-blowing Storybook Tarot Card Readings, Voice Channels & harmonizing energy in the light body/aura/chakras/meridian systems, crystal, and art therapy in Mandala drawing & energy meditations and much more.

As an Ordained Minister/Reverend I perform couple commitments, baptisms, and life celebrations. I provide intuitive Astrology sessions. Special sessions with a combination of all my available divination tools, are listed as “The Kitchen Sink with ClairEssence”. I have been blessed with Light Language from birth, which a form of communication with the cosmos in an ancient practice and am a natural Energy Healer.

ClairEssence Alchemy is a certification profile for ClairEssence Energy Magic, an energy recently brought forward from creation during a channeled meditation with my guides. She is a Certified Usui Ryoho & Crystal Reiki MT with Lisa Powers, Certified Crystal Reader with Judith Lukomski & Doreen Virtue, Two styles of Shamanic Rites through Sharon Ramel, Certified Psychic & Tarot Mastery with Sal Jade, Certified Feng Shui studies with Master Dawn Lane. She has CEE credits in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Art Therapy, Qi Gong, Astrology, Numerology.

You may connect with her at:

(657) 533-2903 

Anaheim, CA

Feng Shui your Finances

Dawn Lane

Since 1990, Dawn has practice the Art of Feng Shui and helping business, individuals and homeowners balance and bless their life to obtain their Highest Potential. With her love for Real Estate, and as an investor, she has personally remodeled over 35 homes of her own, as well as 100s for her clients. Dawn collaborates with architects, engineers, and designers to bring out the most creative and functional designs according to Feng Shui practices.

As a child, Dawn had the ability to see and connect to spirit known as a Clairvoyant Medium. She has worked with doctors for over 30 years diagnosing health problems as a Medical Intuitive.

In 2015, Dawn stepped out to communities to help individuals and businesses with their finances as a Life Insurance Agent.

You may connect with her at:

(714) 476-2245

Anaheim, CA

Dr. Tara Rasta Network Spinal

Dr. Tara Rasta

Dr. Tara Rasta is a chiropractor in Anaheim, CA who specializes in Functional Wellness and Network Spinal Analysis. Dr. Tara Rasta’s mission is to help people break away from repetitive patterns that cause dis-ease and keep the individual away from living their life’s purpose.

Dr. Tara Rasta’s approach to each individual’s health is multidimensional. She supports their spine through network spinal analysis, their biological pathways through functional medicine, and their social networks through the creation of a community of people who want to become healthier together.

Dr. Tara Rasta received her B.S from UCLA in Psychobiology and Neuroscience; she earned her doctorate in chiropractic from SCUHS and studied functional medicine as she was finishing her doctorate.

Dr. Tara Rasta uses Network Spinal and Functional Wellness as one of her tools to address the underlying causes of disease rather than just focusing on the symptoms.

You may connect with her at:

(714) 679-8608 

Anaheim, CA

Dr. Tara Rasta Network Spinal

Dr. Trevor Petersen

Dr. Trevor Petersen is a Chiropractor, graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in the Bay Area, CA. He specializes in Network Spinal and Metaphysical healings & teachings. Dr. Trevor Petersen’s mission is to help people have a clearer connection between their body, mind, soul, and spirit creating congruency with ones’ purpose. 

Dr. Trevor Petersen’s unique approach to self-healing combined with his passionate serving heart generates a space for each unique person to be seen on many levels. He assists better flow between the body and mind with Network Spinal and the soul and spirit with healings from the Modern Mystery School. 

Dr. Trevor Petersen uses Network Spinal to co-create stability and functional reorganization with the individual’s breath to optimize the expression of health in each being. He uses the tools and healings learned from the Modern Mystery School to strengthen a person’s drive to understand and achieve their own personal purpose and heighten the human being’s own connection to their Divine Self. 

Dr. Trevor Petersen’s presence and multidimensional healing techniques allow one to experience a recharged and revitalized physical body, more use of brain power, increased productivity, better sleep, and much more. He works to empower humanity with special strategies to attain success in their lives’.

You may connect with him at:

(714) 679-8608 

Anaheim, CA

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